Product, People, and Services Recommendations
KN Literary Arts

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Is there a novel you’ve been thinking about writing? A story you’d like to share? Some wisdom to impart? As I mentioned, I’ve been working on a book and found out about KN Literary Arts through a writers’ workshop I attended. I resonated with Kelly Notaras, the founder of KN Literary Arts, a long-time editor and author of The Book You Were Born to Write.

Her agency provides editorial and writing services to authors at any stage of their writing process, including author coaching, i.e. supporting authors during the writing process, helping refine book ideas, developing outlines, creating book proposals, and staying on track writing the first draft. They also offer editing services for those who already have a draft written, from big-picture editing to polishing final drafts. With self-publishing a growing possibility for many aspiring authors, KN Literary also offers self-publishing assistance ranging from cover design to distribution. Don’t wait any longer to contact KN Literary Arts and gift your book to the world!

Find Out More About Publishing a Book at the KN Literary Arts YouTube Channel:

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