Product, People, and Services Recommendations
Furniture Bank

The start of a new year sees many of us wanting to shed old baggage. That can include furniture we just don’t need or barely use, like that empty dresser sitting in the basement or the side table you bump into every time you cross the dining room. Your clutter can become somebody else’s much needed item to fill an empty home if you donate it to Furniture Bank, a Canadian charity whose mission is to end “furniture poverty.” Serving marginalized and displaced people, such as women and children leaving shelters, the formerly homeless, those struggling with mental health, refugees, and more, Furniture Bank accepts lightly used pieces and charges for pick up in exchange for a charitable tax receipt based on the value of the donation. Cost of pick up starts at $160, with the fees going back into the organization’s work to furnish people in need with some dignity. 

Furniture Bank collects donations throughout the GTA and is part of a cross-Canada furniture network.

(416) 934-1229

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