Frequently Asked Questions
Below you’ll find a list of commonly asked questions, which we hope you’ll find helpful. If you have further inquiries, please reach out to us through the Contact Form and we will be sure to answer you promptly.
1. What do you do and what do you do differently than others?
Way of Life® Dog Training coaches people in designing ways of life with their dogs that produce deep and lasting bonds, and sound, strong, and spirited dogs. Most of our colleagues in the business work on training dogs using various forms of reinforcement, such as positive and/or negative reinforcement. By contrast, we focus on raising dogs rather than training them, and we work with you to examine and refine your way of life with your dog. We look at the root cause of your dog’s behavior, not just the issues you see. We do not use obedience training or control tools to change your dog’s behavior ⎯ we teach you to strengthen your relationship through your way of life. Our Way of Life® Method takes a whole-life approach, rearing a dog who is immune to dysfunctional behavior. Whether you are raising a new puppy, welcoming a new dog to your home, or living with a dog who has emotional or behavioral issues, Way of Life will give you the help you need.
2. What are my different options for training?
We start with a 1-hour virtual coaching session to find out more about your situation and what you’re looking for and discuss our training options. You will obtain enough information to begin applying the Way of Life Method immediately. Our training options include:
- Virtual Coaching with the Way of Life® Method Online Academy, a private and affordable membership space for continual education, training and customized support.
- In-Person Group Coaching & Training Sessions, where we practice Way of Life Method signature exercises in a stimulating and supportive group environment.
- Private Coaching & Training with the Way of Life® Mastery Program, where you learn one-on-one from our founder, Souha Ezzedeen. This option brings the fastest results with personalized training and coaching, including training sessions and 24/7 messaging support in between sessions tailored to your dog and family’s unique needs.
- Independent Learning. For those who prefer to apply the Way of Life Method on their own, read Souha Ezzedeen’s book, The Way of Life Method: How to Heal Your Relationship with Your Dog and Raise a Sound, Strong, and Spirited Companion (At Any Age).
Available in: Print – E-Book – Audiobook
3. What types and breeds of dogs do you work with?
Way of Life Dog Training focuses primarily on companion dogs, and we welcome dogs of all ages, breeds, backgrounds, and behaviors. We know dogs, whatever their situation, can experience behavioral issues, including rescues, pets raised since puppyhood, dogs with jobs, and dogs active in sport. The behavioral issues we address include anxiety, separation anxiety, fear, sound sensitivities, reactivity, resource guarding, aggression, and more. We do not offer service dog training or working dog training.
4. What training methods do you use?
At Way of Life, we focus on raising dogs to develop character traits and attitudes as opposed to training dogs for specific skills and behaviors. We know that the management and leadership of the dog is 100% responsible for the dog’s attitude and behavior. Therefore, we coach our clients in managing and leading their dogs in ways that heal relationships, deepen bonds, and produce sound, strong, and spirited companions. We do not condone the use of methods that involve overpowering dogs, punishing, or “dominating” them in the old-school ways. We also do not use or endorse training tools such as prong collars, choke chains, electronic collars, head halters, or no-pull harnesses. Rather, our approach emphasizes the handlers and the way of life they create for their dogs.
5. Do you guarantee your training?
In line with principles espoused by professional dog training associations, we do not and cannot offer guarantees. Trainers and behavioral consultants provide advice, and it is up to the owners who live with and handle the dog each day to implement recommendations and follow through with homework. The responsibility for success is shared between client and coach and therefore trainers cannot make guarantees. What we can guarantee, however, is that dogs reflect their ways of life and that when we work at improving the root cause of behavior, specifically the dog’s way of life, they cannot help but change for the better. See some of our client cases and testimonials confirming their success.
6. How long will it take to solve my problem?
Our approach focuses on real and long-lasting change, which takes time. It may require up to a year with the Way of Life Method for a deep transformation to occur from the inside out and really take hold. Because dogs respond so powerfully to their way of life, however, as soon as we begin introducing changes that improve the relationship dynamic between handler and dog, you are likely to see progress quickly. This offers our clients great encouragement that they’re on the right track.
7. Can you customize your programs?
Way of Life Dog Training follows a unique approach to raising dogs of all ages and of all backgrounds. Of course, our method is customized to the needs of each dog-person team and household. There are indeed tremendous variations in dogs, in people, in their relationships, and ways of life, which require we customize our approach accordingly. With that said, we value the integrity of our philosophy and method. Way of Life clients understand that for their dogs to be all they can be, their owners need to apply a physical and psychological process that may not always be easy but is powerful in creating real change.
8. What age can my puppy start training with you?
Many trainers believe that it’s never too soon to start training. Conversely, veterinarians are often concerned with whether puppies have received all their shots before beginning training. At Way of Life, we believe that it can be too soon to train a puppy but it’s never too soon to set up and structure the puppy’s way of life to maximize their potential to grow into a sound, strong, and spirited adult. In other words, let us begin our work before your pup even arrives!
9. What is your service area?
For Way of Life in-person private and group coaching and training sessions, we currently serve the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), including Toronto, Scarborough, Etobicoke, North York, Mississauga, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Bowmanville, Markham, Whitchurch-Stouffville, and Newmarket. We work with private clients at Way of Life’s Scarborough training facility, at their homes, and in public spaces such as parks. Our group training sessions take place at rental training facilities in the GTA.
We also train and support clients all over the world through our Way of Life® Method Online Academy.
10. What are your dog trainer qualifications?
As the founder and head coach of Way of Life® Dog Training, I bring a particular blend of education and expertise to the table. I am a behavioral scientist by training. As a tenured professor and researcher, I hold a PhD in management and organizational behavior, fields that have informed my work with dogs from a different angle than the mainstream dog training industry — I focus on the root cause of behavior.
I’ve been working with dogs as long as I’ve been an academic, nearly 20 years. I have diverse experiences with dogs, as a shelter and rescue volunteer and foster, dog owner and sport enthusiast, trainer and coach. I have been influenced and mentored by a range of individuals who have deeply shaped my perspective on dogs and our relationships with them, including veterinarians, breeders, master dog trainers, sport instructors, and my own grandmother. I am also a Certified Family Dog Mediator (FDM) and have completed countless seminars and courses. Like any academic, I continue to look for opportunities to learn.
11. I’ve heard you have a newsletter that offers useful information and free resources. Where do I sign up?
That’s right! Our monthly newsletter is packed with tips, inspiration, and recommendations. Subscribe here to keep informed.
Or, if you have a puppy, you can sign up here for both the newsletter and our free Way of Life Puppy Primer.
If you’ve come to us with concerns over behavioral issues, click here to subscribe to the newsletter and you’ll receive Let’s Fix This, a free PDF on 10 steps you can take right now to begin addressing any behavioral issue.
Finally, if you are specifically dealing with reactive behavior, you can sign up here for the newsletter and our free booklet Five Reasons Dogs Are Reactive That We Don’t Talk About Enough (+Way of Life Solutions).